Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Working on our Daily Five & story time with Mr.Hochberg!

 For more information about CAFE, please visit

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What is Descriptive Feedback?

In room 212, we have been discussing ways to know how our learning is going, where we need to take it, and finding the steps to take to get there. We have discovered that getting feedback is very helpful! You will notice that I provide areas of success along with areas of improvement in your childs' Writing Response Journals. If possible, I ask that you go over those items with your child so we collectively are improving on our reading and writing. Thank you!

What is descriptive feedback?
Feedback provides information to students and teacher about learning. It helps reduce the gap between a student’s current level of understanding and/or performance and a desired goal.
Feedback is an essential practice of assessment for learning. “A process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there” (assessment reform group 2002)
4 Types of Feedback:
Motivational: Goal is to make the learner feel good. It does not give guidance on how to improve the learners reasoning.
Evaluative: Goal: is to measure student achievement with a score or a grade. Does not give student guidance on how to improve the learner’s reasoning,
Needs: Goal is to show the learner what is missing and areas for improvement. Feedback is intended to give learner feedback on area of need. However, does not give feedback intended to move learners reasoning to the next level, only on the task.
Constructive: Goal is to address the learning goal, and use it to improve the student achievement by telling the learner what steps to take in order to move forward in the learning process. Feedback tells learner what is needed to improve.
When is descriptive feedback Effective:
· Students internalize or use the descriptive feedback
· It is used by the learner to independently move their reasoning to the next level
· Asks students what to do to move their reasoning to the next level
· It is a combination of all four parts of feedback – motivational – evaluative-constructive-needs

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

International Pink Day!

Today Room 214 had a great day learning and talking about the meaning of International Pink Day.
We wore pink and made pink paper t-shirts to show our support. 214 ROCKS!

" The International Day of Pink is a day of action,... it's also a commitment to being open minded, to being understanding of differences and to learning to respect each other." (from Direct Line, March 30, 2015, item #9)
For additional information and resources, visit:

Monday, April 6, 2015

April Newsletter

Please press on the links below for April's Newsletter and Calendar here at Twentieth Street JS.

April Newsletter

April Calendar

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Ms. Brady :)

Reading Response Journals

Reading Response Journals – Writing

Beginning today until the end of the school year, students will be participating in an official Home Reading Program. Each Thursday, your child will be selecting/given 1-2 texts that compliment their reading level/comprehension abilities and these texts will be brought home. The expectation is that your child will practice reading each book, complete one weekly response (based on one of the books), and then return the package to school on Tuesday. Students will be focusing on retelling stories and making connections to what they have read. Retelling and making connections are an important skill in developing reading comprehension.
Once a week, each student is expected to choose one book to read and:
-          Record the title of the book
-          Record the date
-          Draw a picture in colour of a favourite part of the story
-          Explain briefly what the story/chapter is about in their own words – RETELLING
-          Write a sentence that relates the story to something in their own life – MAKE A CONNECTION
Retell Sentences Starters:
1.     This story is about...
2.    My favourite part of the story is…
3.    I like the story because…
Make a Connection Sentence Starters:
1.     This reminds me of…
2.    Another story I read like this was…
3.    I am like (character name) because…
Please return Response Journals every TUESDAY.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.
Ms. Brady :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

House Keeping


The first couple of weeks back in the classroom were great. What a wonderful group of students I have!

We have been working hard on learning and following our Classroom Agreement which I am confident your child can share with you. In addition, I will be implementing some new language and math programs. There will be postings of what we are doing in the classroom, newsletters,  as well as any important classroom and school wide information, so please check in often to stay up to date. :) 

Please continue to use as part of our online Reading program. I am closely monitoring the activity and looking for advancements in your childs reading level. 

As part of our Spelling Skills program, students will be working on developing different strategies to expand their vocabulary throughout the week. To see their progress, there will be a short assessment each Friday. Please initial and return the quiz so that you are aware of their success. Further information will be posted next week regarding their new Reading Response Journals program that will start April 9th, 2015.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter weekend!