Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sarah the Book Fairy Comes to Visit

This week, students in Room 214 were visited by Book Fairy (and Room 214 parent), Sarah, who made a special donation of eight books for us to add to our classroom library. She spent time telling us about each book she brought and during free time later that day, students were already digging in to some of the new titles. We owe a big thank you our Book Fairy and hope that she might come to visit another day if we all keep working hard on building our reading stamina!

The Book Fairy introducing a 'Picachu' book!

Terry Fox Run a Great Success!

Twentieth Street School held their annual Terry Fox Run this past Wednesday and the event was a huge success. We are still tabulating the results of our 'Toonie for Terry' drive, but Room 214 raised $43 alone towards our school target of $300. Thanks to you and your contributions, the Terry Fox Foundation can continue to fund research for treatments to cancers that affect children and adults around the world.

As a part of our social studies curriculum, our class also spent time talking about what it really means to be a hero like Terry Fox was. We decided together that a hero:

  • Helps others, even if they don't know the person they are helping
  • Works hard every day to achieve their goals
  • Always tries their best
  • Works as a team with others

Students from Room 214 warming up their bodies for the big run!

We have also decided that our classroom is full of heroes that can do these things every day! We are so excited about this that we decided to make a book filled with the reasons we were running on the day of the big run. Stay tuned for Room 214's first published Book of Heroes!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fun with Patterns in Room 214!

Our first mathematics unit has been so much fun so far. We have been talking about, learning about, and making our own patterns. It started with our names, where we created patterns using the letters of our names repeated in a 4 X 8 grid. We coloured in the same letters with the same colours and created works of art!

The grade 1s have been looking at patterns in nature and the grade 2s have been making patterns using connecting blocks and polygons based on shape, colour and more! Soon, grade 2s will be looking at growing and shrinking patterns using numbers, and grade 1s will be challenged to think about 2 and 3 attribute patterns.

What you can do...

Please talk about patterns with your child, and help your child to notice and point out patterns when you or he/she sees them. How are they incorporated into everyday life, art, math, nature and so on? These are enriching discussions to have with your child and it will help him/her to understand the value in learning patterns (even our ABC's and 123's are patterns!).

Have your child play the following math game to have fun learning about patterns:

Flower Frenzy (available through the Virtual Library as well)

Also, here are some other ideas for you to try with your child:

  • Here's a great musical patterning idea for you! You can play this little game with as many kids as you'd like. Stand in a circle, and choose someone to go first. Ask each child to put together a three-step musical pattern (such as clap, snap, clap). Once the child has shown the rest of the group his/her pattern, everyone does the same. Continue with all the kids until everyone has had an opportunity to make his/her own musical pattern, and then try to put them all together!
  • Art and patterning go hand in hand. Find yourself enough large-squared graph paper for you and your kids. Make sure you have lots of crayons or markers near by. Silently, each person decides on a specific pattern (not too long) and colours it on the graph paper (such as blue, red, yellow, yellow, red, blue). Once everyone has made their initial pattern, trade papers to the right, and the next person has to follow the same pattern. Continue along until the entire page has been filled.
  • Patterning in everyday life! You can do this activity while you're driving in the car or walking through the neighbourhood! You will need a pencil, pencil crayons, and something to write on like a notebook (blank or lined, it doesn't really matter). On your trip or walk, have your kids record everything they see with a pattern! For example, if you see a building with lots of windows, your child would write the word "building with windows" and then would draw the pattern next to it (e.g., four windows followed by a beam, then four windows then another beam). Share your findings.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Terry Fox Run 2014!

Terry Fox is a true Canadian hero. He put his life on the line to help raise awareness and funds to support cancer research. Terry Fox reminds us each year that living for and giving to others is as important as living for ourselves. Please help us pay homage to this inspiring Canadian icon by encouraging your child to do something nice for someone else, and challenging yourself to do the same!

We will be running in the afternoon on Wednesday, September 24th and are hoping to raise $300. Please help us accomplish this goal by having your child donate a 'Toonie for Terry' this school week. Every little bit helps.

We will be learning a bit more about the hero named Terry Fox this week in Room 214, and hopefully getting in touch with the hero inside each one of us. Please ask your child who Terry Fox is so they have a chance to share what they've learned.

For more information, please visit the Terry Fox Foundation

Monday, September 15, 2014

Curriculum Night!

This Wednesday (September 17th), Twentieth St is excited to host this year's Curriculum Night and BBQ.

Forms have been sent home already in regards to hot dog or hamburger orders. If you still need a form, please write a note in your child's agenda and I'll make sure they get one to bring home. It may not be possible to buy on the day of so please order in advance.

Curriculum Night is a chance for you and your child to visit the school together and get a sense of what your child does all day (not to mention his or her teacher!). Some of the work students have been completing will be showcased; parents and guardians who would like to meet Snake may do so (don't be scared!), and I will be there to answer questions and discuss your child's progress so far. I can also show you some of the great resources offered through the class blog if you haven't had a chance to explore yet.

If you have any questions, please email me or call the school and I will return your call as soon as possible.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September Newsletter

Below you will find our September Newsletter that was also included in your child's agenda on Monday. My goal is to go paperless in 2 months and then all newsletters will be available on the blog. If you require a hardcopy, please speak to me to let me know!


Welcome to our classroom blog!

A message to parents/guardians,

Welcome to the new blog for Room 214 (grades 1 and 2)! Please take a moment to explore the blog remembering that it is still very much a work in progress... This is an initiative to keep parents and students connected to what is going on in our classroom, and at Twentieth Street. Please add to your 'favourites' by bookmarking this blog as students are expected to check this blog at least once a week with someone at home to review concepts and ideas discussed in class. It will also be a place to check up on events so you can keep up to date on the goings on in our room and at our school. If you have any questions about the blog, or your child's learning, please feel free to contact me at the email address below, or arrange an informal meeting with me before or after school. My door is always open. I also encourage you to use your child's agenda as another communication tool. Students are expected to take agendas home with them each day, and bring them back the next. Please encourage your child to familiarize themselves with the calendar, use the agenda, and have fun with the many activities it contains.

Mr. Smith