Sunday, September 7, 2014

Welcome to our classroom blog!

A message to parents/guardians,

Welcome to the new blog for Room 214 (grades 1 and 2)! Please take a moment to explore the blog remembering that it is still very much a work in progress... This is an initiative to keep parents and students connected to what is going on in our classroom, and at Twentieth Street. Please add to your 'favourites' by bookmarking this blog as students are expected to check this blog at least once a week with someone at home to review concepts and ideas discussed in class. It will also be a place to check up on events so you can keep up to date on the goings on in our room and at our school. If you have any questions about the blog, or your child's learning, please feel free to contact me at the email address below, or arrange an informal meeting with me before or after school. My door is always open. I also encourage you to use your child's agenda as another communication tool. Students are expected to take agendas home with them each day, and bring them back the next. Please encourage your child to familiarize themselves with the calendar, use the agenda, and have fun with the many activities it contains.

Mr. Smith