Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Our Trip to High Park!

Last week, students from room 214 took to the trails in Toronto's biggest city park to explore, play, and also to learn about how animals and plants prepare themselves for the winter season. Students forgot very quickly that the weather was a little rainy, instead spending their time looking for acorns, 'toppings' for their nature pizzas and anything else they could find. I soon found myself referring to students as squirrels and chipmunks because of the amazing things they discovered at every turn of the trail. We even had time to take a walk through the High Park Zoo!

Thanks so much to the High Park Nature Centre for hosting us, and to the Halsall Family Foundation for sponsoring our amazing field trip experience!

Some of the awesome nature we found (according to students):

Snake pit in the bowling field
The corn snake (Snappy)
White fungus
Bob the frog
Squirrel Dreys (nests)
A fox (maybe)
The zoo
Larva inside an acorn

Some photos from the trip:

Making pizzas for squirrels

On the tire swing in the castle playground

Lamas in the High Park Zoo!

On the tranquil trails in the woodland