Monday, September 15, 2014

Curriculum Night!

This Wednesday (September 17th), Twentieth St is excited to host this year's Curriculum Night and BBQ.

Forms have been sent home already in regards to hot dog or hamburger orders. If you still need a form, please write a note in your child's agenda and I'll make sure they get one to bring home. It may not be possible to buy on the day of so please order in advance.

Curriculum Night is a chance for you and your child to visit the school together and get a sense of what your child does all day (not to mention his or her teacher!). Some of the work students have been completing will be showcased; parents and guardians who would like to meet Snake may do so (don't be scared!), and I will be there to answer questions and discuss your child's progress so far. I can also show you some of the great resources offered through the class blog if you haven't had a chance to explore yet.

If you have any questions, please email me or call the school and I will return your call as soon as possible.